Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sri Krishna, Chaitnna, probhu nityananda, hare krishna hareram, sriradhe gobindo. everyone were dancing in blissful mind. I was also enjoying, with lifting arms and dancing on the rhythm of chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare—I was garland, chandan- sandal paste marked on my fore head by an old woman, I also fond of her, she used to feed me sweets made of co-co-naught, molasses were distributed among the devotees. Latter I has had been experienced the eternal joy, bliss during chanting and dancing on the glories of Lord Sri Krishna. Krishna Krittan, devotional songs, which of few its, I was taught song by granny-till today I would remember –Hari din to gelo sandhya holo, par koro aamaay means Oh, Lord Krishna, my days were gone, dusk entered, please took me away to You----She brought me to the Sidhyesari Kali mother temple at Tantaniys near Jamapukur, where ,
One day when I was boy six years old, with maternal grand father, Ganny,mother and myself, we had started to visit at Dwakhineswar Temple, at very early morning, reached by Ghorargari hackney carriage, the turbaned coachman was long beard, I was sitting beside him and I enjoyed sceneries o old Kolkata, is the city joy, where I WAS BROUGHT-UP. IN MY CHILDHOOD DAYS I HAVE SEEN that the road s were cleaned by the sweepers with tap Ganges water at very early morning, the horses of the hackney carriages were drinking water from tub on the footpaths. I also memorized when we were availing or traveling by hackney carriage, it was very amusing experience, we went to Mayer Bari at Bagbazar, where Divine Mother lived, as Sanga Janani, the supreme of the Ramkrishna Mission also directed in her modest way and delivered instructions to her devotee sons. My Ganny pulled my hands to appear before to Mother’s room, asked me to bow down to well decorate Photograph of our beloved Mother. Once my Dadu accompanied us, Ganny and myself to the Tarokeswar the Lord Shiva, merciful God for performing worship special puja and promise an offering to sacrifice my little long hair as I attained five years old. ----------------------------------------------------
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Since my late boyhood I have had worshipping to my Lord, not in ritualistic manner, only deep devotion and concentrated deep meditation on regular basis, which I have learnt from maternal grand mother who had used to performed her Japa Mantra on early morning and late evening, she had teach me the open Mantra, Hari omn Ramakrishna, I was enjoying and delighted
I was also iniciated the first literacy, from Barna parichaya, first part of Bengali alphabet by vidyasagar mashaya, she taught me with her melodious tune on symmetrical rhythm, even to day I could heard the said melodious voice and tune of songs, Guru pade prem bhakti holo na mon habar kale, ore aar ki habe thor sadan vajan anurager samay gele, Time have passed away, but the devotion and love would not raised, to my Lord, in due time, impassion would faded She indulged my inquisitive in every moment and answered, prying for knowledge and imagination of potentiality, aspiration always fulfilled by her. My mentor, wrote, if we want to educate a man and do real good to him, we must preserve and develop this priceless quality in him. As said Swamiji, “Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divine within, by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy, by one or more, or all these—and be free. This is the whole religion. Doctrines, or dogmas, or rituals, or books, or Temples, or forms, are but secondary details.” She told as stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata in simple style, to raise my manhood, and firmness, also I was very much inspired to listen, [R] Sri Krishna asked Arjuna to shake off his weakness and to steady himself, as he [Krishna] could give him any kind of wisdom, for a grief-stricken mind is not at all a fit receptacle for wisdom. Unless we get out of the depressed state and become calmer, we shall not be able to assimilate any lofty advice. My Ganny advised me, don’t be afraid my son, just chant the names of Hari or Ram, you would over came from any troubles or sufferings, as we live in ruined house frightened of ghost, and poverty and starvation, that’s why Ganny teach me in that way. Yes I completely surrendered to her in every respect of my life, as Arjuna, said [verse72-73] Destroyed is my delusion, I have gained my memory through Thy GRACE, o Acyuta. I am firm, my doubts are gone. I will follow Thy word...”
Ganges the sacred river of my beloved mother land India ---Bharatbarsa,
O Sun, by your light, which removes glooms and your rays which awaken the whole creation, dispel from our hears all languor all neglect of worship, all sorrow and evil dreams. O Sun, thou bearer of light, who joy to every eye, may we live to see your wonderful splendor as you arise high. [Reg-Ved10-37.4.8] [I, a poor soul, was in dark, but always a command, use to hear from heart, Let there be light.] Let noble thoughts come to us from every side-pure, unobstructed, overflowing. Rig-Veda1-89-1
I was born in the year 1945, 17TH January, on catastrophe of Second World War. I was brought up in unbelievable poverty, even my ganny and mother had pretend to fast as if for religious purposes, but irony is that, they had only compelled to starve many days. POVERTY, which we the poorest people of our mother land, have had suffering since, when, how long the distressed, hungry countrymen, being aggrieved, would sustain none would know. When the insurgencies would broke out, who knows. A countless number of famished despaired distressed people took hardship for breathing and few unashamed the bourgeoisies were shamelessly enjoying through breeding and leading luxuries lives by birth of the consumer society, encouraged privileged treatment, these feeling had haunted, hauling and mislead me to the distraught destination I lost forty years on hallucination or run after politic mirage.
We are four brothers and six sisters, total number of family thirteen, including poor mare clerk father, devoted mother and my beloved maternal grand mother. So it was very hardship of my father to look after- maintain family expenses. After our maternal grand father’s death granny came to stay with us. In the period when I was brought up in year nineteen forty-five on wards it was time of stormy turmoil-turbulent—turbulence----when daughters were soled by father, wives leaved her husbands only to feed herself , blackmarketiers would not be hanged on lampposts though it was assured, the farmers, labours, workers, neighbours were became poor to poorest at last the large numbers REFUGEES HAD ESCAPED RUNNING AWAY FROM THE EAST PAKISTHAN THE SACRED LAND they were driven away for the sake of religion --- TIME IS TILL TODAY CATASTROPHY—WE LIVE IN THE INFERNO—WHO ARE RESPONSBLE?–NON CAN ANSWEAED] In this claustrophobic globe, all human beings are terrorized; alarming global warming would engulf us. Just lend your ear, you would heard the voice of the great world teacher
Sub- Remembrance of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansadev
To The most Revered Maharajji,
I convey my deep regards to Sri Thakur ,Sri Ma and Swamiji, also pranamto all sirs.
On the most sacred and auspicious celebration of 175th. Birth Day Anniversary of world great saviour Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansadev would be held in the year 2010 to 2011, commence from 16th. February 2010.
We appeal to the GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ,POSTAL DEPARTMENT to facilitate facsimile Postal Stamp on Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansadev, would be released, during the period. We also cordial welcome with an appeal to the all religious people of all religions to join a spiritual journey, rally as peace march, from the holy KAMARPUKUR TO DAKHINESWAR AND BELUR MATHon said celebration. Our beloved Lord says “I do not care to give up twenty thousand such births, bodies to help the single man. It is glorious to help even a man, serve the mankind as living God. The earth is yours, no body is stanger, and manifest yourselves. I am fortunate to be blessed and graced by the most revered Swami Ranganathananda Maharajji, on his inspiration and kripa, I am serving by chanting my beloved LORD name and sayings, through solo-acting with songs.
With best regards, pranam,
Yours blessings seeker,
Shyamal Som A79 Diamond Park P.O-Joka Kolkata—700104 E-mail – \ Mob no-O9339196961 PH NO--03324975750
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ranganathananda, his life have become a part of the legacy of Ramakrishna movement, who himself was blessed by his Guru mentor Mahapurusjee most reverted Swami Shibananda, On his Guru, wrote--- I consider myself thrice blessed for getting shelter under a teacher of his spiritual eminence, for being offered by him at the feet of Sri Ramakrishna, and for receiving his ample blessings in as much measure as I could spiritually digest and assimilate. Being a the dust of Holy Path, I, am also grateful to my Guru as I am longing a thirst for a little –aspiration --for spiritual emancipation by the Grace of my Guru, and beloved my Lord The great Gurumaharaj. Guru Brahma, guru Vishnu guru dev Maheswara------------------- Divine Grace is taught in these religions as the ultimate of spiritual development and fulfillment. The
Divine Grace or self-surrender, or krpa or saranagati, as the baby- monkey [baby cat as told by Sri Takur] way and the kitten way respectively. The baby monkey holds on to its mother depending on its own grip, while the kitten only mews while the mother cat moves about, lovingly gripping it between her teeth. So, at the beginning of our spiritual life, we strive to develop character under the guidance of social ethics, what Moses presented as Law, what Vedanta speaks of as Dharma, in the context of interaction with other human beings, whether in a tribal setting, in the wider national setting, or in the widest international context. This training helps us to develop ethical virtues and graces, to humanize us, and to grow and expand beyond our organic and ego limitation. It is gives man the experience of his or her self transcending itself, even at this stage of self
-effort. And ‘unless we erect ourselves above ourselves, how poor a thing is man -sang Wordsworth. It is at this stage that our understanding becomes spiritually mature to recognize, and respond to, the pull of the transcendental, the touch of that dimension of Reality that lies above, the sensory level. This beginning of a more conscious striving in the spiritual life, above the merely moral or ethical level. In the language of religion, it represents a conciousturning to God or to its other spiritual equivalents. The gentle breeze of kripa, or Divine Grace, becomes felt at this stage, in the context of self-effort itself. Often we don’t have that comprehension, don’t want reckon with it. And there is no harm in that attitude, says Gita, and assures man: Depend upon yourself; this reliance is good and salutary and necessary. The Gita also tells us why this self-reliance this PURUSAKARA, is necessary, ‘’’depend ...on Divine GRACE, ON iswara kripa.
Spirituality pervades All Human life----Purusakara: Its importance for the child development—Purusakara : The OPENING Nott in the Yoga Song of the GitaWherefrom has come upon you , at this critical situation, this dejection, un-Arya- like, disgraceful, and not conducive to the attainment, O Arjuna?2—2to 3 STAND UP, ASSERT YOUR OWN MANHOOD, YOUR OWN WOMANHOOD. Develop your inner strength, -- NEVER YIELD TO THIS unmanliness, Partha, Its does not befit you. CASTING OFF THIS MEAN FAINT-HEARTEDNESS, STAND UP, o Scorcher of your enemies ch –5—6 Raise yourself by yourself, don’t let yourself down; for you are your friend, you are enemy.12 Self-Surrender: The Closing note in the Yoga song of GITA.18CH 66---Renouncing all dharma [ duties and responsibilities centered in your own ego ], take refuge in me alone. I shall liberate you from all sins; do not grieve. –18ch—64—65---Listen again to me when I AM Imparting to you the profoundest mystery of spiritual life; you are firmly dear to me; therefore I speak what is to your welfare. Absorb your mind with me, be my devotee, sacrifice unto me, bow down to me; truly do I promise you that you shall, verily, reach ME, [ FOR ] YOU ARE DEAR TO Me.Upasanam—Ramanuja—MEDITATION is SITTING NEAR, IN THE FORM of a constant and long remembrance of the subject of meditation, in a uniform flow, according to the teaching of the spiritual it, like an unbroken stream of oil poured from one vessel ton another.—Gita ch 7 14 Verily, this My divine Maya, constituted of the [three] Gunas of sattwa, rajas, and tamas ] , is difficult to cross over; those who take refuge in Me lone cross over this Maya.
Sri Ramakrishna used to recite song –I am not averse to granting muti-liberation to anybody, but I am very careful about granting bhakti devotion to anyone.
Divine Grace- It’s Presence behind Self-reliance and Self-surrender Sankaracarya in his Visnu- Saatpadi—When the sense of separateness between me and thee] is removed [in Samadhi], it is I who merge in Thee, O Lord, and not Thou in me; verily, the wave merges in the ocean and not the ocean in the wave. In 5ch –Knowing Me as the enjoyer of all sacrifices and austerities [done by beings], as the great Lord of the worlds, and [most intimately] as
The friend of all beings], [man] peace. Srimad Bhagavatam – Lord Vishnu to a devotee, it says 8ch 22—2 6—If birth, actions, [youthful] age, physical beauty, knowledge, power, ect. Do not cause arrogance in anyone, [know that] that is the sign of My Grace. Sankaracary on Vivekcudamani verse 3—Tree things are difficult to obtain and, if obtained, they are to be treated as the result of the Grace of the Divine; these are—human birth ,desire form spiritual emancipation , and guidance and –or help from a mahapusa –a great man
That is we are able to see one another and acquire varied knowledge. One can see God only if He turns HIS LIGHT TOWARDS His face…. IN THE SAME WAY , ONE MUST PRAY TO God – O Lord, be gracious and turn the light knowledge on Thyself that I MAY SEE Thy face. –Again—the doubts of the mind will not disappear without His grace. Doubts will not disappear without self-realization --- Swamijee says religion is realization --Speaking on My Master in New York in 1896 Swami Vivekananda emphasized this tangibility of spiritual giving and receiving—cw v5 –He alone teaches who has something to give, for teaching is not talking, treating is not imparting doctrines, it is communicating. Spirituality can be communicated just as really as I give you a flower. This is true in the most literal sense…. One touch, one glance, can change a whole life. I have read about Buddha and Christ and Mohammed, about all those different luminaries of ancient times, how they would stand up and say, BE THOU WHOLE, AND MAN BECAME WHOLE. I FOUND IT TO BE TRUE, AND WHEN I MYSELF SAW THIS MAN, ALL Skepticism was brushed aside. It could be done, and my master used to say, Religion can be given and taken more tangibly, more really than anything else in the world
Swamy Ranganathananda jee wrote, in Sri Ramakrishna’s view, the existence of many sects and religions not merely does not stand as obstacles in the way, but actually helps the realization of universal religion ? .. But its symphony is marred and distorted by the sharp and dissonant note of sectarianism. And sectarianism will disappear only when the world understands this new ideal of religious harmony taught by Sri Ramakrishna when men will learn to see truth in every sect, when men are taught to sympathize with and appreciate every sincere longing of the human heart, knowing it to be an urge towards light and truth, …Maharajjee wrote on HOLY MOTHER, To THE MOTHER of ANNAPURNA sorrowing at the thought of Holi Mother’s immense passing away, she said these words of up lifting consolation and strength : If you want peace of mind, do not look for faults in others. Rather look out to discover your own weakness. LEARN TO MAKE THE WHOLE WORLDYOUR OWN. No one here is an alien or a stranger, my child. The whole world is your own…….Let me conclude, with the beautiful Sanskrit verse composed by Swamy Avhedananda, direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, in praise of the Holy Mother’s pure nobility: Whose character is all pure and whose life is similarly pure; who is the embodiment of purity divine, that shining Goddess I salute again and again.
In writings of Swamy Ranganathananda, book named ETERNAL VALUE OF CHANCING SOCIETY, essay, Swamy Vivekananda, the spiritual teacher of modern India—he wrote , Swamy Vivekananda was in every sense of the term a world spiritual; teacher. All his work in East or West was to summon men AND WOMEN TO THEIR SPIRITUAL HE heritage. In line with the great sages and seers of this country, Swamij taught men and women realize the divine that is embedded in man. All his activities in every part of the country and abroad have this one single objective Whether he spoke of India’s poverty, backwardness, untouchability and the need of our industrial development, or he spoke in the west about the need to practice toleration in the world of religion, his primary object was to give to man the priceless gift ATMAJNANA, self knowledge, to make men realize the ATMAN, the Divine that is within all. The way he developed a comprehensive spirituality out of this great Vedantic idea is unique. -- Religion, it is pure spirituality. …great masters the sages of the Upanisads and the teacher of the Bhagad-Gita. They taught us to the view religion as a matter of Anubhava or spiritual realization. Religion is being and becoming, said Swamy Vivekananda. Its does not consist in doctrines and creeds
Dogmas and churches and temples, but it consists in a struggle to realize the Divine. In Rig-Veda--- Truth is one; sages call it by various names. Sri Krishna in Gita – through whatever paths men come unto me, I receive them through those very paths; all paths, O, Arjun, eventually lead unto me only.
Swamijee, said in Chicago Parliament of Religions, I am proud to belong to a religion which has thought the world both toleration, and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration, but we accept all religions are true. I AM PROUD TO BELONG TO A NATION which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nation of the earth. He Swamijee is a spiritual teacher, GURU in Sankaracrya’s Hymn to the Guru: I salute the guru, who, by applying the collyrium of wisdom to the eyes of one suffering from the myopia of spiritual blindness, opens his eyes [to light and truth] quoted from Swamijee—education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man. Identical is his definition of religion: Religion is the manifestation of the Divinity already in man. –He took
Sri Ramakrishna says that all paths leads to same Gos.Only spiritual bliss, joy and blessing of God would shower as rain or dues as peace on us. Yes I assure you, my Lord lives with me, talks and walks beside me. Allow me to share my realization and divine experience. Please call on: e-mail address-somshyamal g /www Shyamal / mobile no 9339196961 / land line -03324975750 /Residential address –A79DIAMOND PARK P.O-JOKA KOLKATA-700104 INDIA
Shyamal Som

Saturday, October 24, 2009
O Sun, by your light, which removes glooms and your rays which awaken the whole creation, dispel from our hears all languor all neglect of worship, all sorrow and evil dreams. O Sun, thou bearer of light, who joy to every eye, may we live to see your wonderful splendor as you arise high. [Reg-Ved10-37.4.8] [I, a poor soul, was in dark, but always a command, use to hear from heart, Let there be light.] Let noble thoughts come to us from every side-pure, unobstructed, overflowing. Rig-Veda1-89-1
Sunday, October 4, 2009
O Sun, by your light, which removes glooms and your rays which awaken the whole creation, dispel from our hears all languor all neglect of worship, all sorrow and evil dreams. O Sun, thou bearer of light, who joy to every eye, may we live to see your wonderful splendor as you arise high. [Reg-Ved10-37.4.8] [I, a poor soul, was in dark, but always a command, use to hear from heart, Let there be light.] Let noble thoughts come to us from every side-pure, unobstructed, overflowing. Rig-Veda1-89-1
I was born in the year 1945, 17TH January, on catastrophe of Second World War. I was brought up in unbelievable poverty;
We are four brothers and six sisters, total number of family thirteen, including poor mare clerk father, devoted mother and my beloved maternal grand mother. So it was very hardship of my father to look after- maintain family expenses. After our maternal grand father’s death granny came to stay with us. In the period when I was brought up in year nineteen forty-five on wards it was time of stormy turmoil-turbulent—turbulence----when daughters were soled by father, wives leaved her husbands only to feed herself , blackmarketiers would not be hanged on lampposts though it was assured, the farmers, labours, workers, neighbours were became poor to poorest at last the large numbers REFUGEES HAD ESCAVED RUNNING AWAY FROM THE EAST PAKISTHAN THE SACRED LAND they were drive away for the sake of religion --- TIME IS TILL TODAY CATASTROPHY—WE LIVE IN THE INFERNO—WHO ARE RESPONSBLE –NUN CAN ANSWEAED] In this claustrophobic globe, all human beings are terrorized; alarming global warming would engulf us. Just lend your ear, you would heard the voice of the great world teacher